Russell & Sharon Cole
Made to be a Blessing
Ps 127: Unless the Lord builds the House those who build it, build it in vain.
Over 9 years ago, our family moved into a grand old 1920’s bungalow that the kids quickly dubbed “the white House”. It had a rich history and was the result of a modern renovation combining an original homestead house with the adjacent workers cottage. Standing proud like an elegant lady in all her finery, its an easy house to love, chandeliers everywhere, kauri and rimu floors line the hallway with French doors opening out onto a huge socialising deck. With a games room and study included it makes a beautiful family house and keeps us constantly mindful of God’s overwhelming provision.
There’s no doubt God planned such a blessing years earlier setting it apart for a busy family with all their complexities, sporting activities and general busyness. Over the years as the girls rapidly progress through school, God has repeatedly shown us his trustworthiness, reliability and often impeccable timing as a God of provision and blessing. Living in “the white House” is one example, receiving a Liberty Trust mortgage in 2009 was another such blessing.
We had opportunity to receive a LT mortgage years earlier but had decided to upgrade our contributions in the last three years, so as to maximise the amount we could borrow. Consequently we waited longer than most for a interest free mortgage, however it felt right and we were never short of God’s provision throughout the journey or stressed under unbearable financial challenges.
Late 2009 proved amazingly timely when world economies were talking of recession, financial companies collapsing in debts and general living costs rapidly climbing. On a personal front our eldest girl Amy introduced us to university expenses whilst Olivia and Brittany kept us on a friendly relationship with the orthodontist. Further anxiety was added with moves to privatise the hospital Laboratory service, where both Sharon and I work as Medical Scientists, before the New Year.
Kingdom principles of sowing and reaping brought again their supernatural rewards as God’s timing was appropriate and the best. Its been an amazing privilege to be part of a financial plan started over a decade earlier that Liberty Trust introduced us to and ultimately blessed us with. The speed of seeing a diminishing mortgage when the repayments are all off the principal constantly brings a Yahoo! and smile. We’ve also initiated a second contribution to encourage the girls into the future. The lyrics of our wedding praise song rings out “He makes all thing beautiful in His time”.
Like the elegant white lady that was built to be a blessing, we too, feel we’ve been purposely blessed financially this way, to bless others in the next generation. The Master Planner wouldn’t want it any other way.
Russell & Sharon Cole
4 Sept 2010