Ken Habgood
Be strong and courageous do not be afraid or tremble at them,for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you.
He will not fail you or forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6
Knowing that God has my best interest and future in the palm of His hand can be both a huge comfort and also a frustration. While waiting for my interest free loan, I experienced both of these emotions. I understood my contributions to Liberty Trust was sowing and when I received a loan that was the harvest. But “waiting”, that I only thought I understood.
Learning how to wait on Gods answers between sowing and the harvest and even how to fully trust Him for the timing has probably been the greatest benefit for me. I finally obtained my house just before accepting my Ark Resources loan.
Now I will be debt free in 8 years instead of 25! I feel that receiving my loan is only icing on the cake and the cake itself is what God needed to teach me during the wait.
Bless you all, Ken Habgood