Greg & Karen Dryden
I (Greg) first heard of Liberty Trust back in the mid 90’s and then started working with a friend and his wife who had joined up. They said if I was wise I should join too but being a single guy I didn’t really see the urgency. It wasn’t until I was married and then with a house and baby I finally decided to join up!! We made the decision that one of us should work while the other stay at home and look after our children. When we joined up with Liberty Trust I was self employed but couldn’t afford big contributions to Liberty so we decided to try and contribute as much as we thought possible. Later the Lord really blessed me when I joined a larger company and was able to increase our weekly contributions.
Later we were called by the Lord to come to Fiji as short term Missionaries with Youth With A Mission in 2009. By 2011,after coming and going again to Fiji in 2010, we decided to live in Fiji rather than NZ. We were challenged financially here relying solely on supporters in NZ while we sent our two children to a relatively expensive private Christian school.
God’s timing is amazing. We looked at a brand new Anglican Church house that we could rent nearby our training school and the same day we were accepted as tenants we received notification in the mail from Liberty Trust that our interest free loan had been released-wow!-it couldn’t have come at a better time for us!! We felt God was looking after both our new house here in Fiji and our own house back in NZ. We are now paying down the majority of our house mortgage and its so wonderful to finally see the amount owing decrease every month. For years we were so disheartened by paying lots to the bank but seeing no real reduction in our principle amount over the last 10 years!! Now we feel released from the bondage and we know long term we will be free of substantial debt and more financially able to stay on as missionaries here.
God has been faithful to us just as we sowed what we had into Liberty Trust. We waited over many years but now are seeing the fruits and see light at the end of the mortgage tunnel! We also thank the Lord for His timing in releasing this financial blessing to us when we don’t ‘earn’ an income here.
My only regret is I wished I had taken the advice of my friends and joined earlier as a single. We would have been in a better position earlier as a young family and now have paid off a lot of our loan. At least we got there in the end.
A verse that comes to mind when I reflect on our journey is “Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again” Eccl 11:1
THANKS Liberty Trust-you are a real blessing to the body of Christ!!! You are also wonderfully committed people who reflect the Kingdom of God to others –thanks for keeping your hand to the plow and not looking back!
Greg and Karen Dryden-now based with YWAM in Fiji