John & Ruth Cassidy

To whom it may concern;

In 1961 when I married, we had a dream to own our own home.  In 1965, we took out a mortgage for a house to be built on a property in Christchurch.  The bonus deal was restricted to government employees on transfer which meant the first $7000.00 was 3.5% interest and the balance of approx $1000.00 was 5.0%.  Although we had a steady income from a full time job and 2 part time jobs (and 6 children), by 1984 we had to sell our house to pay off the crippling house charges which had accrued.  Our dream was shattered, and so were we.   In 1994 we began donating to Liberty Trust with a renewed hope for a house.  In the mean time, we’d travelled north, I’d become a tetraplegic and my wife became the primary earner.  In 1999, we put down a deposit on a house and though repayments were tough, we remained current until 2003, when we became eligible for a Liberty Trust interest free loan.  In 2008, when we were both about 70, we paid off the Liberty Trust Loan free-holding our house and property.  From the money saved, we were also able to assist two daughters with housing opportunities.

The Liberty Trust loan has allowed us to realise a dream that we thought was unattainable.

Thank you Liberty Trust and God Bless.

H Katete

13 Sept 2010


“Thy kingdom, come, Thy will be done, in earth, as it is in heaven …”

Greetings to you who are chosen in Him,

My husband John (who is a tetraplegic) and I, along with two of our adult children (who are John’s lovely carers), came to Whakatane in June 1992, from the Otara Spinal Unit. From wheelchair accommodation we moved to our newly purchased home in 1999, much to the delight of our married children as they could now all visit with their 23 lovely moko’s. We have married children and their families, living in Gisborne, Torere and Whakatane.

After discussing and sharing the word with Kelvin Deal in 1994 we knew the vision of an interest-free loan was of God and now, being in our 60’s, we are so glad we became part of this vision. We were also blessed with the idea that through the brethren of the Christian community making contributions to God’s kingdom we would help each other with our interest-free loans. We have since received our loan and the time of repayments have at least halved, and with a slight payment increase another 18 months will be taken off! We enjoy the freedom that has come from following these financial principles and we thank the Lord for His provision. That you too, to the Liberty Trust trustees, “the Lord’s faithful co-workers and co-heirs in Christ”.

Love in His Great Name,

Ruth and John Cassidy