Jenny Martyn
I would like to thank you and everyone at Liberty Trust and Ark Resources over the last 10 years or so to now be able to have my mortgage interest free! Now I will be able to countdown to having this loan paid, which I am really looking forward to.
Approx ten years ago at the Church I attended in Nelson we had a visit from a couple from Liberty Trust who were traveling around letting people know of the possibility of interest free loans. This really appealed to me and as I thought and prayed about it the more I really thought this could be possible for me. One of the things about it which appealed to me was the fact that when I would be contributing for those years I would not only be helping myself towards an interest free loan, I would be helping those in the future. Being a blessing to help others is an amazing thing to do.
At that stage I was a single parent with 3 school age children and only working part time and so continuing to make those contributions was a real commitment. I had bought my home just 3 years before with a deposit from my mother’s estate. When I had bought my home of course, the Bank’s terms were a 25 year mortgage and that seemed such a long time to be paying but then that seemed to be the only way to get it. Prior to buying this home - I went through some tough years including my marriage break-up and my mothers death - having my faith was the main thing that pulled me through. God is in control, He knows our situations and our individual needs ' For I know that plans I have for you' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future'. Jer 29:11
Now I only have my oldest son Gareth [26] at home with his son Ryan [5] part of the time. My other son Scott [24] is living in Perth and my daughter Rachel [21] is working in USA.
I would like to thanks all those who put their time into helping with Liberty Trust as it is such a blessing and also to those who were the first contributors who have helped pave the way for me being able to benefit now.
In December last year when I received my loan from Liberty Trust it was a great feeling to know that I will not be paying interest for the next seven years and after that will be loan/mortgage free. Thank you Lord and Liberty Trust.
Jenny Martyn
25 May 2009