Ken Miller
Forty Five years ago I purchased some Northern Building Society shares, having been given the sales talk of the ease to get a loan and also the possibility of a draw. In the time that I had them the society changed its name four times. I was to have received this draw by 25 years. Well after 31 shares no draw and no loan but the shares were wound up and money returned plus a very, very small interest. Such is the ways of the world, NOT GOD’S WAY.
I took over some Liberty Trust shares for one of my daughters when she was struggling and although I once again seemed to wait quite a while to get a loan it came within the promised time. When it came it was most welcomed and because of this other members of my family were able to be blessed and helped with their mortgages.
Through God’s richness I have been able to repay the balance of the loan early so that others may benefit from being in Liberty Trust.
I have always been impressed by Liberty Trust and the ability by which both God’s work and people can be supported.
Being retired now one has to evaluate ones position and finances but it is my desire to investigate re-joining so that my grand-kids can gain the benefits of Liberty Trust.
Thanks a lot
God bless you all
A Scripture that comes to mind which I dearly love is:
1 Thess 5:11 “So encourage each other and build each other up”
Whether it be by finance, words, action or any other many ways possible.