In a Nutshell

To your brother you shall not charge interest,

that the Lord your God may bless you. Deut. 23 v 20

Ark Resources in a Nutshell

Ark Resources Limited is a New Zealand charity (CC54208) formed in 1999 to demonstrate financial principles from the Bible by providing interest-free mortgages to enable God's people to become free from debt.  Ark Resources is wholly owned by Liberty Trust, a NZ charitable trust established in 1989 to teach and demonstrate God's financial principles.  We lend interest-free using funds provided by Liberty Trust and any profits are returned to support the work of Liberty Trust.

The Vision

Our vision is that no Christian need pay mortgage interest or be in debt to the world.  As God’s people are released, great resources will be freed into His Kingdom as the principle of stewardship is applied in their lives.  Read the Parable of the Talents, Matt. 25 v 14 - 29.  Yes, we are stewards of His resources.

What does Ark Resources do?

We are a part of God’s Storehouse.  Applicants apply to receive an interest-free loan to refinance an existing debt, or to buy or build a New Zealand house or church, or for some other worthy purpose. 

What does it Cost?

We offer loans to those recommended by Liberty Trust.  A once-only administration fee of $400 is charged to cover our costs when a loan is provided.  This may be added to the interest-free loan. 

Most people spend several times as much on interest or rent (which is another form of borrowing) as they give to God's Kingdom in a lifetime.  God's alternative is for His people to share and support one another in love, being set free to live and give in a Kingdom lifestyle.


As our capital is secured over registered mortgages we are more secure than most banks.  Our accounts are audited and available for your information at

How soon will I be Debt Free?

Without interest, most of our borrowers repay their loans within seven-ten years - much sooner than they would with a standard bank mortgage.  

An Example

Adrienne, a beneficiary with one child, had her contributions sponsored by her church.  Her payments to the bank were barely covering her interest, a situation many are in.   Because she received an interest-free loan she has now completely repaid her mortgage, and saved $111,000 in mortgage interest, and many years of repayments.  Adrienne writes:

"When told that my loan had come through I could almost hear God say, "See, I told you".  Many times previously I had fretted quietly over my mortgage repayments interest rates etc., and many times God’s Word had reassured me.  At first I wasn't really aware of the great blessing I had received, but as I told people, I realised enormously how God's way is best.  I suppose the best offshoot of receiving the interest-free loan, apart from the massive saving on interest, is my opportunities to tell non-Christians about Bible principles.  It is a great witness of the Mighty God we serve."

You can read over 200 other testimonies at:

Sowing and Reaping

Are you sowing into a bank, or into God’s Kingdom?  As we give we receive in order to give more.  This is a Kingdom principle.  By helping one another we are all blessed financially and spiritually.  God’s plan for His Kingdom is His people.  It always has been.  That plan is for a community where His people love and assist one another to fulfill His purpose through their lives.

We all have a Choice

As stewards we may pay interest to the world or we may use what God has given as seed for His Kingdom.